Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Do and Don't Like

This year, I am trying to make it a point to be honest with myself about things that I do and do not enjoy. There are some things that I really really wish I enjoyed that I just don't, and some things that I wish to the heavens that I didn't like that I simply do.

Example 1: I really, really want to like spaghetti squash. It is low carb. It is a vegetable. It pulls itself into noodle-like strands when cooked. It is clearly the PERFECT noodle substitute. But I just do. not. like. it. It is watery, finicky to cook and ends up either soggy or crunchy. I wish I like it, but I don't.

Example 2: Fake cheese powder. Do I even have to say in words that the stuff is bad for you? This strange violently orange substance that was never once seen in nature that coats cheese curls and Doritos doesn't even really taste like cheese. My food snob self wants so desperately to deny the feelings that I have for this probable poison. But I love the stuff. I mean, yum. Now admiting I like it doesn't mean I'm going to eat it, but how I wish I could justify buying a bag of Cheetos and set a world record for fastest time to snarf down a bag.

Some things are a little bit harder to admit to myself. Like;

Example 3: Gardening is wholesome, economical, environmentally friendly, outdoorsy, charming, and... well... dull. Once upon a time, I envisioned having a huge garden, growing mostly my own food, and spending countless magical hours cultivating growing things while my children eagerly assist or play quietly in the background. Here is the thing, I don't not like gardening. I kinda like having a (small) garden with some of the basic stuff that we eat a lot of... zucchini, tomatoes, cucumbers, sugar snap peas... you get the idea. But this year I am not going to pretend that I am a true hard core gardener. I am not planning on starting my own plants from seeds, I am not going to bother growing tricky things that frustrate the heck out of me (I'm looking at you spinach), and I am actually going to enjoy planting flowers this year. Just because I like them. So there.

Example 4: Envision this; the kids are finally asleep after a grueling day of potty training, errands, and tantrums. You finally get the kids in bed. You look around the house. It needs cleaned. You look at the half finished painting you need to finish. You look at the rolled up yoga mat in the corner, just waiting to be used. This is your time. You can finally do something you want to do... so you sit down on the couch with your laptop, type in netflix and binge-watch Once Upon A Time for 3 and a half hours. Guys, I wish with all my heart I didn't like watching mindless tv so much. I wish I didn't use it as a pacifier for myself in the evening, when I finally have the chance to get things done. But I do. And I like it. So much so that I had my husband change the password to netflix and told him not to tell me. I just signed out and I can't get back on. I may regret this tonight, but with any luck at all, I can be more productive and do things that are more meaningful than watch hours of NCIS.

Sigh. The kiddos are down for the count at the moment... I love nap time. But they are bound to wake up soon. Probably I should go clean up the breakfast dishes now. Though I probably won't.

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