Wednesday, December 2, 2015

On failing and of holiday stress.

So I have come to the conclusion that I made a foolish decision basing a blog off of a 3 month no buy challenge. Especially one that takes place OVER CHRISTMAS for crying out loud. Total epic fail. *Sigh.*

This is why people do year long no buying challenges. Because they get to practice before all of the really hard stuff hits. I thought that this would be possible for me to do. I really did. And if I had all the time in the world, then it totally would be. I had plans to finish Victor's quiet book and make a cute little doll for Amelia, and do a more experience gift for my husband (I had a Mutemath concert in my sights.) But people, I do. not. have. the. time. Not when I've essentially promised paintings to my mom and dad this year too. There is no way I will get this quiet book done, especially when I was hoping to finish crocheting Bini's Christmas stocking, but still I press on. Amelia may or may not even like a doll. Andy preemptively bought concert tickets. Haven't started the 2 paintings. I haven't even thought about my in-laws. Yikes.

I know that in the grand scheme of things this is so not a big deal. As an aspiring minimalist (lets all face it, that's what I'm aiming for, isn't it?) I shouldn't care about the stuff part of the holidays. But I kinda do. And that in itself bothers me. Its ridiculous.

So I am trying to keep two things in my head at the same time.
1. I am trying to concentrate on what really matters this Christmas and that gifts are such a small part of it. How it began with God's gift to us, and how that is what we should be celebrating. I'm trying to concentrate on the fun family traditions that add to the seasons instead of detracting from it.
2. I'm trying to figure out what the heck I am going to do for gifts. (Sigh)

Anyways, I will freely admit that I am going to epically fail at the buy nothing challenge that I arbitrarily set for myself. But you know what? I don't care (or at least, I only care a little). Up until this point, after all, I've actually done pretty good. But also because so far I've actually kinda enjoyed the blogging aspect of it. Its... cathartic. I see why people do it. So the blog has been worth is, despite not having many entries. Who knows? I may even make it a more regular thing.

Though I am not sold on the whole title. "The Shelf-Help Monologues" has a ring to it, but I feel like it promises some sort of assistance for... um... shelving? Though the monologues part is certainly true. Ramblings might be more like it.

But if you ever feel like making this monologue a dialogue, feel free to chime in!

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