Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I wish I had a blog. Oh look, here's one now!

Occasionally, I wish I had a blog.

There are so many reasons that I think they are kinda great... like a journal or diary with pictures and links and all that jazz. They are a record of thoughts, feelings, projects, memories, and I've wished that I've had one before.

But I haven't. For a few reasons. One is that I feel like all of the other bloggers out there have some... point. There are lifestyle blogs, fashion blogs, cooking blogs, ex-pat blogs, crafting blogs. There are farming blogs, sports blogs, science blogs, political blogs, animal blogs. Heck, I am sure that somewhere out there there is a blog dedicated to just about anything you can think of let me check... (opens new page). Yep. I just found a blog about salamanders. But that isn't me. I'm not very concentrated in one thing, and I guess I have felt silly starting a blog with no center.

Two is I am pretty positive that anything I could have to say on any given subject has already been tacked by about twelve dozen other people who are much more eloquent and intelligent than I am.  Why write about something when you have nothing new to say?

Three is that I am dreadful... no appalling! Appalling at keeping up with things. It is a miracle that my kids consistently have their teeth brushed, food in their bellies and clothes on their backs. Because you have to keep up with those things. But listen, I have done diaries and journals, monthly menus and workout plans, daily drawing challenges, and have any of them stuck? Noooooope. I am dedicated for a couple of weeks to a month or 2, then I get off track, and I have a horrible time getting back on the rails.

So that is mostly why I haven't started one.

But I'm still gonna give this a whirl. But if I am going to make this work at all, I am going to need a goal. A reason, if you will, to keep things going. And I love challenges. So I am giving myself a little challenge.

Awhile back, my husband, Andy and I did a "no buying new stuff for a whole month" thing. Which I thought would be hard, but was surprisingly easy. I can do pretty much anything for a month, and anytime I saw something that I wanted to buy, I could just be like "Oh, only 2 more weeks till I can buy that thing". This time, I wanted to extend it out a little bit, stretch myself a little more. Tomorrow starts the last quarter year of 2015. Seems like as good a time as any to go for it.

This is not a new idea by any stretch of the imagination, and people have done this and blogged about this and done it for a much longer period of time. But when I went to Andy, off whom I bounce all of my schemes, he said to start with a shorter time frame. So I am. Starting October 1st and lasting until December 31st, I am embarking on another buying and spending fast. I am going to write out my goals and rules tonight, and I'll post again tomorrow (the first test of my consistency, I guess) when my little challenge actually starts. This could be fun. Lets see if I actually do it...
